Sunday, January 9, 2011

Question One

How did this Christmas "feel" to you, compared to previous Christmas mornings?


  1. I really wasn't that excited to wake up on Christmas morning. Usually it is hard to sleep because I have so much anticipation about what I would be getting, how many presents there would be, etc. This time I really just wanted to sleep until I woke up, relax, and take it easy. The awe and excitement of Christmas as a child is gone, and now all I really looked forward to was seeing the reactions my family members would have when they opened what I got them. I guess once I have kids, the best thing will be seeing their faces and their excitement when they experience the mysteriousness of Christmas each year. I guess these days, its just better to enjoy the time you have home with family and friends.

  2. I wasn't excited either. It's been like that for the last couple Christmas's though. It was a little different me though in that I have a little rascal seven year old brother who woke everyone up early. But if it wasn't for that I coulda slept in, and I think my whole family except Joe would agree. The best part was spending time with my family. As opposed to other Christmases where all I cared about were the presents. Which is cool because I get to see that in Joe. I think its interesting how my perspective has shifted from what I can get to what I can give. Its different no doubt, but I like being on this side of things.
